Come And Try Photography By The Coast
Whatever you shoot, whatever your skill level, kit or personal photographic vision,
Deal Photographers is for you.

Whatever you shoot, whatever your skill level, kit or personal photographic vision,
Deal Photographers is for you.
We're a friendly bunch of photographers who firmly believe everyone can enjoy the fun and camara-derie of photography. We meet weekly at 7pm (for a 730pm start) in the Rowing Club Hall on the seafront at Deal for talks, lectures, demonstrations and a bit of friendly competition... Everyone is always welcome to join us. Just show up.
Deal Rowing Club
Stand up comedian and photographer Steve Best will run us through his life on stage - both with and without a camera.
This Wednesday, 12th Ma...
Deal Rowing Club
Deal Rowing Club
Guest Judge Cherry Larcombe will be wading through the digitally submitted entries into this aggregate contest.
Deal Rowing Club
Deal Rowing Club
Laura is a Kent based portrait photographer, but she also has a creative side, producing work that uses her camera's movement to replace a p...
Deal Rowing Club
Deal Rowing Club
It's time to get creative as this week sees our photographers entering digital images created from their imagination. Double exposures, inte...
Deal Rowing Club
George Pearson
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Welcome to the Deal Photographers FAQ - or Frequently Asked Questions.
Deal Photographers used to be called Deal Camera Club and many other UK clubs call themselves Photographic Societies.
Whatever the name, it's all about photography. So as long as you want to meet up once a week with a friendly, welcoming bunch of photographers, you're in the right place.
The club is run entirely by volunteers but we try hard and be as easy, welcoming and professional as we can be.
Each week we have a competition or a talk or a practical session. The competitions are where members submit images and they are judged and given marks by and independent moderator.
The competitions are basically divided into print (does what it says on the tin) and "DPI" - which really just means digital.
There are annual competitions (which tend to happen just once a year), aggregate competitions (which usually have three rounds on three separate evenings throughout the year) plus competition evenings against other clubs and the odd one off.
Don't be put off by the jargon or the rules - it's all much easier than it seems. And there are decades of experience waiting to help you.
And all the competitions really are is a friendly way on getting feedback about your pictures and comments on your work.
But at the end of the day, it's about progress rather than perfection and having some fun with like minded friends. The only photographer you're really in competition with is your old self...
Once you've decided to join, annual membership costs just £20 plus £3.50 each time you turn up for a meeting. But the tea, biscuits and plenty of interesting chat are all free.
Competition Rules and Guidance
1. General information
a. Competitions are open to all paid-up members.
b. All photographic content must be entirely your own work and the copyright your own.
i. Photographs of another person’s photographs are not permitted, even if the image is enhanced or modified. The use of stock imagery is prohibited.
ii. Any textures used must be your own photographs and not from stock images, or commercially available software.
iii. Backdrops should be plain, or made from your own images. Backdrops showing other people’s images or commercially available images must not be used.
iv. Any editing or enhancement must be entirely your own work. Editing done by a third party is not acceptable.
v. There must be clear photographic input for all images. Manipulation of the photographer’s own images is acceptable, providing the image was created by the photographer.
vi. If an image, contains someone else’s work, eg., a poster or graffiti in Street Photography, providing that this content is not claimed as the photographers work this is acceptable.
vii. Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) Images that have been entirely generated using Generative AI in any software programme, or images with material elements generated by AI will not be permitted. For example, an object added to the image that is created using AI software. The Club will accept the use of algorithmic processing in-camera or in post-processing software, which supports digital photography. The Committee reserves the right to request the RAW image with EXIF data.
c. Aggregate Competitions are divided into two classes; Intermediate and Advanced and each of these into three sections; Monochrome print, Colour print and DPI.
d. Prints may be produced by any means, but Photocopies are not acceptable.
e. Prints must be mounted, the size of the mount must be 40cm by 50cm, the Club has this for sale together with pre-cut mount board and accessories such as tape.
f. All entries must be uniquely titled, numbered and labelled with the photographer’s name in the bottom left corner at the back.
g. DPIs are submitted via the PhotoEntry uploader by midnight on the Wednesday preceding the competition. The image must be titled in accordance with the instructions on the Club Website. They should be a Jpeg image not larger than 10mb. (1920px x 1200px) Colour space should be sRGB.
h. Print entries must be handed to the Competition Secretary on the Wednesday preceding the competition. A digital file of each entry must also be submitted via the PhotoEntry uploader on the Wednesday preceding the competition for the purpose of projecting the images at the competition (where this happens) and also to assist the selection committee when choosing images for external competitions.
i. In the event that the Competition Secretary deems an image to be inappropriate, offensive or is non-compliant with the rules they will seek the views of no less than 4 other Committee members. No specific type of image will be excluded however, those that exploit or degrade an individual or group concerned will be ineligible. If the majority vote the image to be unsuitable, the image will be withdrawn. The Competition Secretary shall inform the author. The Judge on the night also has the authority to refuse to comment on an entry which they consider offensive or does not comply with the rules or fit the category for which it has been submitted.
j. New members joining the club will automatically join the Intermediate Category unless they are professional photographers, have recognised distinctions, or can demonstrate their photographic competence to the Committee.
k. Except for Panel Competition entries (see 3. Iv.), an image can only be used TWICE; ONCE in any Aggregate Competition and ONCE in any Annual Competition. Images submitted in a previous season cannot be used again in a current season (including Panel Competition images). Where there is a possible breach of Clause k, the Competition Secretary shall provide evidence of a previous submission before the image is withdrawn from the Competition.
2. Aggregate Competitions
a. Aggregate Competitions are divided into: -
i. Colour Print – Intermediate and Advanced
ii. Mono Print – Intermediate and Advanced
iii. DPI [Digital Projected Images] – Intermediate and Advanced
b. An image, or similar image, can only be entered once in either Mono Print or Colour Print or DPI. it is not acceptable to submit a colour image and a black and white conversion of the same or similar image. Images may be used again in ONE Annual competition of that same year.
c. There are THREE rounds of each section spread throughout the season.
d. Each entrant can submit up to four images. These must be numbered from 1 – 4 in order of preference, with 1 being the favourite. In the event of a very large number of entries (over 70) the Competition Secretary may exclude all those numbered 4. If prints are not numbered the Competition Secretary will exclude a print at random from everyone who submits 4.
e. Each entry is scored out of a maximum of twenty points by the visiting judge for the evening. The highest two scores from each individual count as the scores for that round for the aggregate competitions.
f. The same image can only be entered once in Aggregate competitions. Entries excluded for volume reasons and not shown may be submitted in a later round, or the following season.
g. Entries submitted into Aggregate Print competitions may be entered into ONE of the Annual Competitions as a print or DPI. Images that have been entered in Aggregate DPI competitions may be entered as either prints or DPI images in ONE Annual competition.
h. Judges: All Aggregate and Annual competitions shall be judged by an external judge. External judge means a judge who is not a member of Deal Photographers. If a judge is not available or fails to turn up on the night, the competition will be postponed to a later date within the season.
3. Annual Competitions
a. Annual Competitions have the following sections.
i. Monochrome print – Intermediate and Advanced. 4 prints may be entered by each photographer.
ii. Colour print – Intermediate and Advanced. 4 prints may be entered by each photographer.
iii. DPI – Intermediate and Advanced. 4 DPI s may be entered by each photographer.
iv. Panel – Print and DPI – One group only (See 3.i.i below for further instructions) 4 DPI panels and 4 print panels may be entered by each photographer. An image used as part of a Panel may be used again in an Aggregate Competition and in ONE more ANNUAL competition. As with all other competitions, none of the images used in a panel may be used again the following season.
v. Portrait – Print and DPI, one group only. (See 3.e below for further detail) 4 prints and 4 DPIs may be entered by each photographer.
vi. Landscape – print only, one group. (This was formally the Tony Hill Award) (see 3.j below). 4 prints may be entered by each photographer.
vii. Creative – DPI. One group only. (see 3.k below). 4 DPI may be entered by each photographer.
viii. In the event of a very large number of entries (over 70) clause 2. d above will be applied
b. An Image may only be entered ONCE into any Annual Competition, except for images used in the Panel Competition (see iv. above). Images from previous seasons are not eligible.
c. Prizes are given for the best in each section.
d. The Chairman’s Challenge is an occasional competition which is not held every year. In the years when it is in the programme, the subject, number of entries and type of entry will be stipulated by the chairman in place at the time.
e. Portrait Competition – A person or people must be the main subject of the image. (Animals are not accepted as portraits).
f. Images must be numbered in order of preference, with 1 being the author’s favourite. In the event of a very large number of entries the Competition Secretary will exclude the least favoured, high numbered entries from everyone i.e. all those numbered 4. If prints are not numbered the Competition Secretary will exclude a print from everyone who submits 4, at random.
g. The judge will be asked to select First, Second and Third places to determine the winner in each category, entries may be given scores but these do not count towards the Personal Achievement Award.
h. Competitions which are split into Intermediate and Advanced sections will have the winning entry from the Intermediate category going forward to compete in the Advanced section of the competition.
i. Panel Competition
i. Print panels should ideally be displayed as individual 40 x 50 mounted images, with a maximum of 6 separate prints forming one panel. The panel should sit together as a balanced cohesive set of images i.e. linked by technique or content and in the same coloured mount, all preferably cut in the same format. However, if an odd number of mounts is being displayed, the central mount may be cut using a different format e.g. one central 'portrait' mount, flanked by two 'landscape' ones. Up to 4 panels may be submitted. Further advice may be obtained from experienced club members. A Panel can also be submitted as a DPI. The images that form one panel should be set out on ONE document and uploaded as one file. 4 DPI panels may be summitted.
ii. Any individual image used in a Panel Competition (print or DPI) may be submitted twice more, i.e. in an Aggregate Competition and ONE other Annual Competition within the same season
j. The Land/seascape print competition. Four entries can be submitted by each photographer.
k. Creative– An open competition using any skill the photographer wishes to use in order to produce a creative image. The subject can be anything, both real or imaginary but the image must be the photographer’s own work. The use of Generative AI is not permitted, save for the exceptions given in 1.vii
4. Inter Club Battles, Diamond Jubilee Trophy and the Ross Cup
i.Any image may be required for external competitions.
ii.A JPG image will also be required for all print entries for selection committee review and projection to the audience.
iii.The Selection Committee is appointed by the Club Committee and they choose entries to represent the Club.
5. KCPA (Kent County Photographic Association) Annual Exhibition
i. The Annual Exhibition is an individual competition for members to submit their own entries and pay their own fees. Entry forms are available on the KCPA website.
Deal Photographers Constitution
(Revised June 2024)
Affiliated to the Kent County Photographic Association and the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
1. Aims and Objectives
The club will be known as Deal Photographers.
The objective of the Club is the promotion and advancement of photography in all its forms among Club members by holding Club meetings and other activities such as competitions, lectures, exhibitions and events.
2. Meetings
Club meetings can be held at any venue. If there needs to be a change of venue, the committee will notify the membership as quickly as possible through as many media as possible.
Club meetings year run from September each year to the following July. Other activities and outings take place during the summer months on an informal basis and details are shared through social media.
3. Membership
Membership is open to all by application at a meeting, or by email to the Secretary. It can only be terminated if a member’s subscription falls three months in arrears, or by gross misconduct deemed by the Committee to be detrimental to the Club, or its members.
Where a member requires a carer to enable them to attend club meetings, the carer shall be granted free entry. Should the carer become interested in photography and wishes to join the club in their own right, normal membership fees and weekly fees shall apply.
Junior Members
Membership for under 18s is as per current legal and insurance conditions.
Under 18s need to be accompanied by a responsible adult, either their parent or guardian or someone approved by the parent of guardian. That person needs to accompany the child for the whole meeting and can come to meetings at half the usual membership rate.
Minimum age for Junior members is 12 years.
4. Subscriptions
Annual and weekly subscriptions are decided at the AGM. Annual subscriptions fall due on the first meeting date of each Meeting Year.
Occasional visitors will pay £4 entry per meeting. A minor under the age of 12 may not be permitted entry to the club due to insurance policy restrictions.
A person wishing to become a member may attend 3 evenings free of charge before signing up for full membership.
The subscription for Members under 18 years of age will be fixed each year by the Committee. Fees in 2023/24 for under 18’s and students is two thirds of the normal adult fee.
5. Officers and Committee
Officers are; President, Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Committee roles are Digital Competition Secretary, Print Competition Secretary, External Competition Secretary, Publicity, Web and IT, and 2 other committee positions.
The Committee is elected at the AGM and serves for a term of on year.
Club President is a role for life or until the holder is no longer a Club Member. If the role becomes vacant the Committee will appoint another President. The President is automatically part of the Committee.
Committee Roles are allocated at the first Committee meeting after the AGM.
Any Committee member, except for the Chairman, Vice Chairman and the Treasurer may change job roles during the year, as agreed by the Committee.
At the end of the year the Committee stands down, but individuals are all eligible for re-election.
Should an Officer retire during their Term of Office, their place shall be taken by another member of the Committee until the next Annual, or Extraordinary Meeting.
Additional Committee members may be considered as necessary and The Committee has the power to fill any casual vacancy that may arise.
Decisions by the Committee will be taken by majority vote. Where the vote is tied, the Chair has the casting vote. The Committee quorum is five.
Nominations for Officers and Committee Members must reach the Secretary by the last Club Meeting before the Annual General Meeting.
The Committee members, individually and together, will ensure that all Club rules and Constitution are adhered to.
6. Club Business
Formal Club business is conducted at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings. The quorum for these meetings is one-third of the fully paid-up membership plus one.
Annual General Meetings are held at the end of every season.
Extraordinary General Meetings may be held at any time, except during August.
Extraordinary General Meetings can be called
following a decision by the Committee, or
following receipt by the Secretary of a request in writing signed by at least 20% of the paid-up Members stating the reason for the request.
The Secretary will set a date for the AGMs and EGMs and will give 28 days’ notice to all fully paid-up Members.
The Financial Year of the Club runs from June 1st in any year until May 31st in the subsequent year.
Dissolution of the Club. A decision to wind up the club can only be taken when funds of the Club are insufficient for the Club to run properly or membership falls below a level viable for the club to function. This decision can only be taken at an EGM or AGM. In the absence of a quorum, a motion signed by 10 members or 10% of the membership, whichever is the greater will constitute the same decision. After discharging all debts and liabilities of the Club, the remaining assets are to be transferred to the Kent County Photographic Association (KCPA).
7. Rules
Competitions Rules are decided by the Committee, taking into account the wishes of members. Any changes in the Rules are introduced only at the start of the Meetings Year and stay in effect for the remainder of the year. Rules relating to the number of entries allowed per Member are decided by the Competition Secretary.
Club Rules can only be altered at an Annual General Meeting, or Extraordinary Meeting. Only fully paid-up Members are eligible to vote and a majority of those votes are required to change a rule. In the event of a tie in the votes cast, a Rule will not be changed. Club Rules are available on the Club Website.
8. Personal Awards Scheme
The club runs a Personal Awards Scheme for members to measure their own performance in competitions. There are four awards, Bronze Silver, Gold and Platinum. Members must achieve one award before progressing to the next. New members must first accumulate points for the Bronze award regardless of their ability. Points will be accumulated from season to season, as the photographer develops their skills and knowledge.
Points will be awarded in each of the Annual and Aggregate competitions. For each member, only one (their highest scoring image) in each competition will be eligible for inclusion on the Personal Awards Scheme.
Points are awarded for achievements of:
I. Bronze: Six scores of 16 or over
II. Silver: Eight scores of 18 or over
III. Gold: Ten scores of 20
IV. Platinum: An additional ten scores of 20
9. Special Awards
At the end of each season, the Committee will award a prize to the club member who, in their opinion, has made the most progress during the season.
At the end of each season, the Committee will award a prize to the person who, in their opinion, has made the most significant contribution towards the ongoing development and success of the Club.
10. Sundry
There is no smoking within the Club meeting room, or anywhere within the Club premises as required by law.
11. Data Protection
The club will only keep personal details for current year members. These details will be kept on the membership list, which is held by the secretary. The list may be shared with other Committee members for contact purposes. Details will be deleted should a member not re-join the following year.
The Club will not share third party advertising with members.
The Treasurer and Chairman keeps a list of current members’ names.
Competition winners and runner’s up names will appear on the Club website, Newsletter and the (Photoentry) uploader system as part of the Club’s competition history.
If an image is required for an external competition or battle, those Images, together with photographer’s name and qualifications, will be shared with other Clubs or the KCPA. A list of entries will be published before each competition. If any member does not want their pictures included, they should inform the Club secretary.
It really is all very confusing, so let's try and unpack it...
Deal Photographers is a photography club and - like most of the clubs in Kent - is a member of the Kent County Photographic Association (KCPA) an organisation setup to support photography clubs in Kent, Sussex and South East London.
The KCPA is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB), a national organisation that co-ordinates, activities for photographic clubs in the UK. There about 900 clubs in the UK, all of them run by volunteers, serving about 30,000 individual members.
The is also the Royal Photographic Society - the RPS - which is one of the world's oldest photographic societies. Founded in 1853 it now has 11,000 members worldwide.
The Federation Internationale de L’Art Photographique (or FIAP as it's known) is an international organisation whose members are national associations of photographic societies (like the PAGB). There are currently about 92 member countries covering over two million amateur and professional photographers worldwide.
There is also the Photographic Society of America (PSA) which is another worldwide photography organisation serving more than 5,000 members in 80 countries.
Here are a handful of other organisations BIPP, the British Institute of Professional Photography and the MPA, the Master Photographers Association.
All of these organisations have websites that have a wealth of useful information and practical resources about all forms of photography. They also all offer "distinctions".
Photographic distinctions are awards that recognise a photographer's skills and achievements. They can be earned through competitions, exhibitions, or image assessments.
When you achieve a distinction from any of these organisations, you are following in the footsteps of thousands of great photographers. You might do it for personal growth, professional advantage or just to see how good you really are as a keen amateur photographer..
Glossary of Photographic Distinctions
Below is a basic list of Photographic distinctions available from some of these various Photographic organisations.
The requirements can change over time, so it is best to look at the relevant organisations website to see the current requirements and rules for any given distinction.
PAGB : Photographic Alliance of Great Britain, the 'umbrella' organisation for the regional federations/associations in GB. There are a number of awards for individual photographers, as follows -
CPAGB, Credit from the PAGB, the first level of award, judged on 10 pictures, with a standard of 'good club photography'
DPAGB, Distinction from the PAGB, judged on 15 pictures, with a standard of 'open exhibition photography'
MPAGB, Master from the PAGB, judged on 20 pictures, with a standard of 'the highest standard of amateur photography'
APAGB, PAGB award for meritorious service, based not on pictures, but to people who have given outstanding service to photographers who belong to member societies
RPS : Royal Photographic Society, a society open to individual amateur and professional photographers. there are a number of distinctions, as follows -
LRPS, Licentiate of the RPS, the first level and judged on a panel of 10 pictures
ARPS, Associate of the RPS , judged on a panel of 15 pictures
FRPS, Fellow of the RPS, judged on a panel of 20 pictures
Hon FRPS, Honorary Fellow of the RPS, awarded for services to the RPS
DPS : Disabled Photographers' Society, a registered national charity promoting photography for people with disabilities, or their carers, or groups or anyone with an interest in helping the disabled.
Like the RPS above, it offers distinctions at the Licentiate (LDPS), Associate (ADPS) and Fellowship (FDPS) levels
BPE : British Photographic Exhibitions, with awards made to individual photographers for the number of acceptances gained
BPE1* ("BPE one star"), for 25 acceptances
BPE2*, for 50 acceptances
BPE3*, for 100 acceptances
BPE4*, for 200 acceptances
BPE5*, for 300 acceptances
FIAP : Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique, a worldwide federation to develop relationships amongst photographers (PAGB is affiliated to this organisation)
AFIAP, Artist of FIAP, the first level of award for photographic merit in international competition
EFIAP, Excellence of FIAP
MFIAP, Master of FIAP
It's a lot to get your head around and it can be confusing. If you are in any doubt about any of this, just ask one of the club's more experienced members - or talk to the committee.
Not sure if it's for you? Why not drop us a line? Or you can just turn up at one of our weekly meetings at 7pm on Wednesdays and give us a go for free.
There's absolutely no pressure to join...
16-18 The Marina, Deal CT14 6LY, UK
Deal Photographers
The Rowing Club, 16-18 The Marina, Deal. CT14 6NG
Every Wednesday, 7pm for a 730pm start
Copyright © 2025 Deal Photographers - All Rights Reserved.
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